This is part 2 of the links recommended by Tony Bennis.  Currently these links are not organized in any particular way so there is a mix of websites listed and recommended here.
To return to the first page of recommended links click here.

Boston Cares is the largest volunteer agency in New England, filling more than 25,000 volunteer spots annually in support of more than 180 Greater Boston schools and non-profit agencies. Boston Cares offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities.
Boston Cares Volunteers Complete Project


The City Mission  Society of Boston serves the educational, economic, and social needs of impoverished Boston residents. City Mission focuses on combatting poverty with the guiding principles of engagement education, and empowerment. CityMissionBoston.orgArtwork representing the City Mission Society of Boston

Eclipse Video, based in Cambridge, MA, is a reliable place to convert all formats of older video or film into a contemporary digital media file – including Quicktime or MP4. Eclipse has thirty years of experience and the latest video and film transfer technology.  EclipseVid.comImage from Eclipse Video Website